Sunday, June 27, 2010

Indian Creek Trail, Hanging Rock State Park

Yesterday, I went with Piedmont Hiking and Outdoor Club (PHOC) to Hanging Rock State Park to hike the Indian Creek Trail that leads from the Dan River to the Hanging Rock Parking area on top of the mountain. It was a 4.7 mile trip up with about 1000' of elevation gain. Then back down. The weather was very hot with a high in the lower 90's. However, most of the trail was in nearly complete shade and although a little humid, it wasn't unbearable.

The first 2/3 of the trail are easy hiking. It was mostly up hill but not dramatically up hill. The trail was narrow and lead through lots of rhododendron next to Indian Creek. There were several stream crossings that barely required getting the bottom of our feet wet. There is not much in the way of "views" on this trail, although the creek was cool. You know how I like moving water. It was a nice hike through the forest.

The last 1/3 of the trail was another matter entirely as the trail started working up the side of the mountain leading to the parking lot. This was steep stair stepping. After passing Window Falls, a nice little 15' waterfall that you can walk up behind and put your hand, or head, into the water, the trail climbed steadily for a half mile or more. At this point, I was stopping often for breaks. My legs, my lungs, and my heart were all crying loudly that I should not go any farther.

I pressed on and once at the top was glad to have made it. We went to the Visitor's Center for some A/C and a bathroom break and then ate our lunches at a picnic table under the trees. After lunch, we re-traced the trail back to the cars. I have to say, going down is much easier than coming up!!

All in all, it was a good day for me. I know where I am physically now, and I'm glad I didn't pick the more difficult hike that was available. I have some work to do before going on more strenuous hikes.

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