Saturday, December 10, 2011

Big Rocks Trail, Morrow Mountain, 12/10/2011


Big Rocks Trail

Out and Back

2.5 miles total


On Saturday, BC and I returned to Morrow Mountain to hike the Big Rocks Trail.  The last time we were there, I saw the sign for the trail and it said, “2.5 miles.”  I knew it was an out and back, so I figured it to be 5 miles total.  About a half mile into the hike, looking at a junction sign, I realized that it was 2.5 miles total. 

The trail starts in the campground on a park service road that leads to a storage building of some sort.  The road is level and easy walking except for a couple rutted out muddy spots.  Those parts were easy to avoid by walking on the shoulder.

After passing the building, the trail goes down a short hill and connects with the horse trail loop.  We turned left on the horse trail and followed that for about half a mile.  Then the Big Rocks Trail turned to the right while the horse trail went left.  I was a little apprehensive about having to dodge steaming piles of horse $#!& (poop) while on this part of the trail, but that turned out to not be the case.  The trail was in very good condition considering the multi-use nature of it.

From this point, the trail goes over rolling hills all the way to the river.  There are no long hills, and only a couple steepish portions.  Nothing strenuous.  It was, all in all, a pleasant walk.

Shortly after leaving the horse trail, there is a sign that describes the dangerous nature of the trail.  It warns of water hazards, steep cliffs, and rocks and the danger of serious injury or death that could occur.  Eight tenths of a mile later, there was still no sign of the dangers referenced on the sign.

Finally, we came to the river, and, after another warning sign, the dangerous part of the trail (also it’s namesake).  The trail dead ends into the river at a steep drop.  I don’t know if I’d call it a cliff, exactly, but it was steep.  We climbed down to the level of the river, as many other had obviously done before us.

We took a nice long break there.  We ate our snacks and watched a man fish from his boat.  I was hoping he would catch something while we watched, but he didn’t.  There were also small whirlpools created by the current of the river as it made it’s way past the large rocks at the river’s edge.  By all appearances, the water is quite deep here.

After our rest, we made our way back out to the car.  The hike wasn’t as long as we’d planned but it was well worth it anyway.  We had a good time.

1 comment:

  1. I hiked that trail back in the's a decent stroll. Love the view from the cliff.
